Sunday, 3 July 2016

Being Ourselves

Being Ourselves

'I am the biggest problem of my life! But, the better part of it, I am the only solution for it!'. Most of the times, we find the biggest inspiration in 'being ourselves'. But do we really wonder who we really are? We humans, are highly engrossed in being 'ourselves' without knowing who we really are. So is it a part of marketing the 'Unique Me' product to this world or is it really who we are?
  Let us just say everyone is unique. But what is it that really makes us unique? Perhaps is it the anamorphosis which takes us to the destiny? Apparently, no one in this world is completely themselves. We are bound to the constraints of our direct surroundings, their natures and our own's desires. We are a book written by multiple authors, a dish prepared by numerous chefs.
  Now the important part of being ourselves,who we really wish to be; which author we let scribble on our pages; which ingredients we wish, to add to get better yet unique, from every chef. We are an integration of everything we see, think of, listen or face. I would rather not be reluctant to the fact that our dreams, nightmares and our instincts make us more of who we are.
  Everyone has a world they live in inside themselves,which is but made up by adding the values and morales which hail from the worlds of other people we come across in life. Now, to get better, we have to take a trip to everyone's world, find the best part of their worlds, and then carry it to ours.
  To make your recipe unique and the best, you have to choose amongst the best ingredients and then amalgamate them. This is the secret formula for being the special dish. If we insist on being ourselves,(who we really aren't), there won't be any room left for development and progress.
  So let us just travel across the different worlds, take the best parts out of them, bring them to ours and formulate the success of our own world. Only then will we be able to solve our own problems by being ourselves.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

The world we live in perceives things with  the either definition of a single word.
1)Chaos- A state of confusion and disorder
2)Chaos-The state of formless and disordered matter before the formation of cosmos.
   Many of my friends asked me out of their curiosity about my instagram id 'chaotician'. So this is what it is about.
So what is it exactly that people are afraid of? CHAOS!! Yes, everyone fears chaos around them.
   Now, I'm going to introduce a term named 'limit of limit' to elaborate further on chaos. They say everything has a limit. The real question arises when we try to figure out the limits. Do limits have limits? Yes they definitely do. Now try relating this to the word 'chaos'.
   Chaos, at first seems pretty daunting. People fear it so much that most of them give up considering that the chaos won't terminate eventually. But, ultimate peace can be achieved only through extreme chaos. The first phase of chaos is pretty intimidating upto a certain limit. What comes next is the most astonishing part of it. Ultimate Peace follows the chaos!
  I'll explain it further. Consider a baby' sleep. We might think that babies sleep more soundly in silence than chaos but No. Babies most of the time wake up panicking, being afraid of the silence. Whereas, they sleep more peacefully in the most chaotic surroundings. The point I'd like to make here is that peace attained through chaos is forever.
  Another example I'd like to refer to is the Global Peace. How many countries have stayed out of the war scenes just by negotiations policies? Probably none. To attain peace, blood has to be shed, the war has to be fought, the chaos has to be faced. The freedom n peace that follows it later cannot be snarfed later on at any cost.
  Even gold has to face a lot of chaos before it shines. Chaos is just the initial step of peace. Chaos leads to peace.
  Consider our human brain. Never can we humans ever recollect the last thought we had during the moment we fall asleep. That is because the chaos of our thoughts reaches a climax and finally attains peace. The peace helps us forget the chaos and helps us look at it with a clearer and optimistic vision.
  They say everything in the Universe is inside our brain. Perhaps this Universe too might has faced an enormous chaos considering its present Stable State.
Such is the name 'chaotician' who helps people reach the peaceful state right from the core of the chaos.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

What is it that seperates us from animals? Most of us would say a bigger brain, vision, ability to socialize. So what exactly is this about? Often, it is said that similar shapes serve similar purposes. What I'm gonna try now is to relate a part of human neurology to geometry and physics.
I'll be illustrating a small exemplum of the hindu mythology. It is believed that Lord Shiva has the ability to destroy the whole Universe with his 'Third Eye'. It is said that Lord Shiva could open up his third eye whenever he felt it was necessary.
Another example I would like to relate to regarding the term 'The Third Eye' is the movie 'Now You See Me'. The storyline is based on a principle that being ahead of your opponent and time is they triumph key to success. So what exactly is this concept of Third Eye?
In all these cases, the Pineal Gland has been referred to as the Third Eye.
The name third eye arises as a result of both, by virtue of its shape, as well as its function. The pineal gland's cross section vaguely resembles the shape of the human eye. Like stated above, similar shapes refers to similar function. Now, the question arises that how can something, situated amidst the brain see things around?
It offen happens with us that an incident we once dreamed of, turns out to be in real life in a exact manner as in the dream.(mind me, not similar. Exact!) The pineal gland is responsible for our fore-sight and vision. Often, vision and sight are considered similar whereas in reality they are totally different. I would rather club sight with eyes and vision with pineal gland.
In electronics, there exist few systems referred to as DAS( Data Acquisition Systems), which collect the data from the memory, analyze the data and come up to a conclusion after the analysis. So, the pineal gland can be rightly called as the DAS of our human body.
Might it be that those whom we know to have reached the state of Nirvana(say Lord Shiva, Gautam Buddha) had completely utilized their 'Third Eye'.
The very reason the world today is short on fore-sight is due to the present lifestyle. Consumption of fats, Smoking and fast food cause accumulation of fats on the outer layer of Pineal Gland hence hampering its working. This isnt a spontaneous process but a slow and long one.Maybe, the present world needs more vision than the sight it already has.