Being Ourselves
'I am the biggest problem of my life! But, the better part of it, I am the only solution for it!'. Most of the times, we find the biggest inspiration in 'being ourselves'. But do we really wonder who we really are? We humans, are highly engrossed in being 'ourselves' without knowing who we really are. So is it a part of marketing the 'Unique Me' product to this world or is it really who we are?
Let us just say everyone is unique. But what is it that really makes us unique? Perhaps is it the anamorphosis which takes us to the destiny? Apparently, no one in this world is completely themselves. We are bound to the constraints of our direct surroundings, their natures and our own's desires. We are a book written by multiple authors, a dish prepared by numerous chefs.
Now the important part of being ourselves,who we really wish to be; which author we let scribble on our pages; which ingredients we wish, to add to get better yet unique, from every chef. We are an integration of everything we see, think of, listen or face. I would rather not be reluctant to the fact that our dreams, nightmares and our instincts make us more of who we are.
Everyone has a world they live in inside themselves,which is but made up by adding the values and morales which hail from the worlds of other people we come across in life. Now, to get better, we have to take a trip to everyone's world, find the best part of their worlds, and then carry it to ours.
To make your recipe unique and the best, you have to choose amongst the best ingredients and then amalgamate them. This is the secret formula for being the special dish. If we insist on being ourselves,(who we really aren't), there won't be any room left for development and progress.
So let us just travel across the different worlds, take the best parts out of them, bring them to ours and formulate the success of our own world. Only then will we be able to solve our own problems by being ourselves.
To make your recipe unique and the best, you have to choose amongst the best ingredients and then amalgamate them. This is the secret formula for being the special dish. If we insist on being ourselves,(who we really aren't), there won't be any room left for development and progress.
So let us just travel across the different worlds, take the best parts out of them, bring them to ours and formulate the success of our own world. Only then will we be able to solve our own problems by being ourselves.