Year 2020-2021.
A year when people found out the damage a microscopic virus
can cause. A pandemic, which wasn’t remotely mentioned in our science books. A
pandemic, no one was prepared for, on the face of this planet.
Why am I saying this?
It’s time we planned for the upcoming contingencies. The virus
was still an unexpected tool that could give the entire world a blinding
concussion. Luckily, the calamity I foresee, can be statistically and
scientifically seen.
There’s no virus as medical advancements have ensured the increased lifespan of the humans. There’s peace enough to keep the nukes at bay. The biggest problem the world is facing is a simple term that was ignored or managed at micro level called ‘depression’. Something which does not have a vaccine. Something that cannot be cured in a day or just a few months.
(Sounds like a bold statement with no logical base whatsoever. Right? But hold on. Read further and you shall know.)
Year 1990
for a few minutes. That is the happiest part of the day for them.
The telephone exists
(Landline). You also have a directory of people living in your area so you can
just dial up anyone you need. But, the charges are just economic enough to not
go on for hours talking over the phone. People often call their friends just to
decide the time and place for catching up. Well as of for us kids, we’re not
allowed to call our friends for stupid reasons. If we want to call each other
downstairs to play, we have the liberty to scream the names of our friends from
the bottom of heart (and that too in a particular way). No one really gets mad
if we shout or play. There aren’t many cars parked downstairs so no complaints
for damaging them.
Year 1950
The cities aren’t buzzed at all. Most of our grandparents
reside in rural parts of the country. My great grandfather has a big solid
black horse on which he rides to different places. NO POLLUTION. He often falls
asleep on his way back at night while riding and yet the horse brings him back
to our house safely (Please note that GPS and autopilot haven’t been invented
yet). People aren’t remotely rich. It’s all about survival. There’s a lot of
physical struggle in the farm. We have a couple of cows, a dog, a horse, couple
of sheep and a few hens for the eggs and not for the meat. Also, we treat them
as family even thought we aren’t animal rights activists. People are the only
source of entertainment for people. If you’re an introvert, well you can sit by
the river and watch birds and the sunset.
singing the folk songs. There’s more of a barter trade of veggies than buying them from the market. The wealth of the person is not decided by the bank balance but by the number of grain sacks they have in their homes.
“Come to the point Anurag”
Little things which
give us immense happiness have started fading into the dark. Our homes are
getting bigger and our families smaller. We are struggling to find happiness. All
the businesses in the world are simply creating an environment where we, the people,
are psychologically tricked into ‘just keep buying. You’ll feel good’ zone. Friendship
is all about texting regularly with your friends and showing off how amazing
your life is when you’re feeling all lonely and alone in reality.
The entire concept of
love has been turned into more like a contractual deal. The way the new
generation is getting used to watching intimate stuff in their day to day life,
the gravity of the intimacy is dropping down. Young couples are struggling to
find their so called spark. And it is going to be a consistent problem in future
as everything that needs to be said will be said over text (Which does not
convey any sort of emotions despite using a thousand emojis). The awkward
silence after two people meet will continue to exist in the long run although
it is only meant to exist in the first meet.
Teenagers are better off isolated in their rooms with their phones than socializing with people or as a matter of fact even their parents. Devices, cars, businesses are all getting smarter while we lose our natural capabilities. Parents these days are often so deeply engrossed in their careers that they have no time to even cuddle with their kids or spend time with them. The value system of the present generation needs to take a look down the lane of the past. If family, health and happiness are not the outcomes of anything we do, it really isn’t worth. (Easy said than done I Know. But not impossible).
"So basically the 'nothing can replace water despite technology' theory?"
There’s a reason why
the lion is called the king of the jungle. The family of Lion is called a ‘Pride’
as nothing else matters more to them than that. Technology can be used for
good. Production of scale is a good thing to a certain limit. If it is done for
the sake of sole profitability, it is a misuse of the technology. Certain
things do not need an alternative. We humans have made carbonated drinks which
are sweeter than water. But on a summer afternoon we only crave for water. Similarly,
Motorbikes can only be an alternative for cycles and not an upgraded version of
them. The utility of the thing should not be decided without SWOT analysis.
People now have remotes to switch on the lights, fans. If we do not wish to get
up, switch on the button and sit back down, we do not have the right to
complain if we become obese.
forget to jump off this chaotic train of instant gratification and shallow